By booking a place on any Event or Training with Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training or by being accepted onto a Yoga Teacher Training, you have agreed to the following terms and conditions and codes of conduct.

Oak and Willow Yoga Teacher Training is a trading name of Sarah Fox, Health, Herbs, Movement (a Sole Trader). In these terms and conditions, on our website and social media feeds, and in all communications, “Oak and Willow Yoga Teacher Training”, “”, and words like ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’, mean “Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement”.
An ‘Event’ or “Training” means any course or event described on our website under the heading Training Courses’ or ‘Events and Continuing Professional Development’, whether delivered face to face, online (live), online (pre-recorded), or using any combination of any of these media.
A ‘Training’ means the Oak and Willow Teacher Training 250hr or 300 hr Course or CPD which will give a certificate of attendance.


Contractual Relationship

By booking a place on Oak and Willow Teacher Training or by being accepted onto the Training , you have entered into a contractual relationship with the Training. 
These terms and conditions, together with any other terms and conditions specific to the training, including that published on our website and/or in any communication from us to you form an integral part of that contract. 
By booking a place on any Training or applying for acceptance onto a Training, you warrant that you meet, or will, by the start of the Training, meet, any eligibility criteria for that Training published on our website or in any other published material related to the Training, including any agreement made by email/phone or other means of contact with your Course coordinators.
By booking a place on Oak and Willow Teacher Training or by being accepted onto the training, you have entered into a contractual relationship. These terms and conditions, together with any other terms and conditions specific to the training, including that published on our website and/or in any communication from us to you form an integral part of that contract.

By booking a place or applying for acceptance you acknowledge that the full cost of that training becomes payable on booking or acceptance, and Oak and WIllow, in our discretion, agree to payment by instalments.

We may change these terms and conditions from time to time and will publish those changed terms and conditions on our website or inform you via email. We have no responsibility to provide you with any other notice of such changes.
If any part of these terms and conditions, or any other part of the contract between us, is deemed unenforceable, that part shall be severed from the remainder, which shall remain in full force and effect.


If, having booked a place on a Training, or having been accepted onto a Training, you fail to participate in all or any part of that Training, we shall have no obligation to refund any amount paid by you in respect of that Training, unless you have given us notice of cancellation before the start of the Training, in which event the provisions below shall apply.
You may cancel your booking for so long as you do so in writing at least 60 days before the start of the Training. In that case, the deposit is only refunded if the place can be filled. 
If you cancel fewer than 30 days before the start of the Training there will be no refund, unless we, in our discretion, are able to transfer your booking to another participant, in which case we will refund you the amount you have paid us in respect of that Training, less an administration fee calculated as set out above. We shall not be responsible for any expenses which you may incur or have incurred in respect of the Training, for example in respect of travel or accommodation or any exchange rate losses.
Once accepted on a Training, should you decide to defer your place or withdraw from that course before its conclusion, you agree to settle any outstanding course fees, including any unpaid future monthly instalments, on our first demand. We shall not be responsible for any expenses which you may incur or have incurred in respect of the Training, for example in respect of travel or accommodation or any exchange rate losses. We will however work with you to organise a deferral to a later course should your personal circumstances require this and a suitable later course be available.
We reserve the right to cancel or curtail all or part of any Training for any reason, though we will endeavour only to do so in the event of exceptional circumstances which mean that we are unable to offer, or continue to offer, the Event or Training as advertised, or if there are, in our opinion, insufficient numbers booked onto the Event or accepted onto the Training for it to be commercially viable. Should this happen, we will notify you promptly and will refund you the full amount you have paid us in respect of the Event or Training and you will have no liability in respect of any payments in respect of that Event or Training falling due after we give you notice of cancellation. We shall not be responsible for any expenses which you may incur or have incurred in respect of the Event or Training, for example in respect of travel or accommodation or any exchange rate losses.
If you choose to cancel or curtail your participation in an Event or Training, or if we cancel or curtail an Event or Training, or if we exclude you from participation or further participation in any Event or Training in accordance with these terms and conditions, our liability to you shall be limited to a refund as specified above. We shall not be responsible for any expenses which you may incur or have incurred in respect of the Event or Training, for example in respect of travel or accommodation or any exchange rate losses.

Release of Liability

By booking to participate in a Foundation Training or Advanced Training, or on acceptance onto any modular Training, you agree that:

we are not responsible for the safekeeping of your personal belongings during your participation in the Event orTraining;
elements of certain Events and of the Training may be physically strenuous and you participate in them voluntarily, understanding that there is risk of personal injury;
It is your responsibility to inform the teacher(s) of the Event or the Training if you have any injuries or health conditions (including pregnancy, suspected pregnancy, or childbirth within the preceding three months) and to abide by their decision as to whether all or any part of that Event or Training is appropriate for you.
If you are participating in the Event or Training via the internet:

we are not responsible for any physical injury or any loss of, or damage to, any personal property incurred during or as a result of your participation (save only to the extent that liability in respect of such loss or damage may not be excluded or limited by law);
we have no liability in respect of any failure, weakness, or corruption of the internet, or of any internet connection, which may limit your ability to participate;
we make no warranty as to the functionality of any third party platform used in connection with the Event or Training, nor as to whether such third party platform is secure or free from contamination (viruses, malware etc).

We shall not in any circumstances be liable for:

any economic losses (including, without limitation, loss of revenue, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings);
any loss of goodwill or reputation; or
any special or indirect losses
which you may suffer or incur arising out of your participation in any Event or Diploma Course, any cancellation, postponement, or curtailment of any Event or Diploma Course, or in the event of your participation in an Event or Diploma Course being refused or restricted.

Neither you nor your heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claim of any kind against Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training, its employees or agents, or against the teacher(s) of any Event or Training, in respect of any loss or damage which you may suffer or incur or as a result of participating in that Event or Training, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, save only to the extent that liability in respect of such loss or damage may not be excluded or limited by law.


Restriction of Participation

We reserve the right to exclude you from participation, or further participation, in an Event or a Training if, either in our opinion, or in the opinion of any teacher of the Event or Diploma Course:

you do not meet any of the eligibility criteria stipulated for the Event or Training on our website, or in any other published material related to the Event or Training;
you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions, or any other terms and conditions specific to the Event or Training published on our website and/or in any communication from us to you;
you engage in abusive or threatening behaviour, or language of a profane or discriminatory nature, during your participation in any Event or Training, or in any communication with any of our staff or teachers;
your behaviour as a participant in any Event orTraining is disruptive to your fellow participants;
you do anything which may reasonably be considered to bring Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training or any of the teachers of any Event or Training into disrepute; or
(if the Event is delivered wholly or partly in a face to face setting) you show symptoms or signs of any infectious or contagious medical condition.

We also reserve the right to exclude anyone engaging in abusive, threatening, or disruptive behaviour, or language of a profane or discriminatory nature, or doing anything which may reasonably be considered to bring Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training or any of the teachers of any Event or Training into disrepute, from participation in any future Event or Training.

If you are excluded from participation or further participation in any Event or Training , any refund of any amounts paid will be at the absolute discretion of Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training.


Where a certificate of attendance or other form of certification is offered by us for an Event or Diploma Course, it is your responsibility to satisfy the conditions specified for such certification. This will normally include participation in the whole of the Event or Training.

Intellectual Property

Copyright and other intellectual property rights in materials supplied in connection with any Event or Training, including (without limitation) handouts, manuals, PowerPoint slides, images, and video recordings, whether supplied in hard format or online, as well as in any recordings made of all or part of any Event or Training, remain either with us or with the author(s) of individual items. You agree not to act in any way which breaches those intellectual property rights without the prior permission either of us or of the owner of those rights.



Use of Website

By using any website linked to Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement and/or Sarah Fox: Health, Herbs, Movement trading as Oak and Willow Teacher Training, you are deemed to have agreed to and acknowledged the following:

You will only use the site for lawful purposes and will not do so in any way which may adversely impact on the operation of the site or its use by others.
Unless we agree otherwise in advance and in writing, you may not download or reproduce content from the site other than for your personal and non-commercial use, which may include reasonable use on social media, on the strict conditions that you (a) acknowledge the site as the source of the content in question; (b) do not edit or amend that content; and (c) do not in the course of such use make any offensive or defamatory comment about the content or its source.
The contents of the site are the copyright either of us or of the author of individual items of content and, save as permitted by these terms and conditions, you will not act in any way which breaches that copyright.
We make no warranty that the site or its contents (including any material available for downloading or any other websites to which the site links) are secure or are free from infection, viruses, or other contamination.
We use third party providers for online bookings, to process online payments, and to deliver certain Events and Training content, and are not liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of any act or omission on the part of any of those third party providers, or as a result of their websites or systems being infected or contaminated.
We may from time to time suspend access to all or any part of the site without notice for technical or maintenance reasons and will not be liable if for any reason the site is not available for use or has restricted use (including any failure of our on-line booking and/or online payment services provider).
You will keep confidential any user names, passwords or other personal identification information which you have chosen or which we have provided to you to enable you to book onto an Event or Training, or to permit access to any part of the site, and we shall not be responsible for the security of any such personal identification information or its use by a third party.
The information contained on the site is for general information purposes only and should not be treated as any form of professional advice; we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from accessing or relying on information contained on the site, or in any material downloadable from the site, or on any other website to which the site links.
We take all reasonable steps to protect any personal information which you provide to us, but cannot guarantee the security of any information which you disclose online; by using the site you accept the inherent security implications of dealing online and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless caused by our negligence.
During the training of any visit to the site, we use small files which are stored on your hard drive by our browser (“cookies”) to monitor your use of the site; once you have closed your browser, we do not use the information these cookies collect.


Any communication which you send us in relation to your participation in an Event or Training should be sent by e-mail to 
Any communication from us to you in relation to your participation in an Event or Training will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address given by you to us when booking your place, unless you have informed us by e-mail, with specific reference to the Event or Training  in question, of an alternative e-mail address.
We shall have no responsibility for any failure of any communication from us to reach you, provided that we have sent it to you by e-mail addressed as above.
What fees include/ what is not included:


Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance UK SYT and contracted teachers who are fully qualified and insured in their field.
A full manual and other appropriate paperwork as PDFs
Not included:

Flights, accommodation and food.
Insurance (you can get this from Yoga Alliance UK)
A guarantee of a certificate
you will need to successfully pass all assignments and exams, attend a minimum of 90% of the course (making up any hours missed via recordings in your own time) and be deemed suitable to teach safely by Sarah Fox and external examiner.
It is Sarah Fox’s decision if you are deemed fit to receive a certificate at the foreseen time of graduation. A referral may be made which will require assessment of suitability to teach safely.


The guidelines as set out by Balens Insurer:

The online course content must follow as closely as possible the syllabus sent and approved by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Including teaching, practical work, online assessments and coursework.
The course must include training in human anatomy and physiology.
The underwriter for the policy, Zurich, stipulates that the final assessment is face to face in person (where possible for future courses) or via an online video-call. 
The revisions in standards are for yoga teacher training courses only. It does not include any other holistic therapy teacher training you offer outside of Yoga Alliance Professionals.